Charlie Crist tweeted the following:
"Today, I learned that my dear friend, Reverend Watson Haynes, has finished his earthly work and passed on to the next world. Ive known Watson since we were both students at St. Pete High School, and have been honored to call him my brother ever since."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Charlie Crist:
"Great news for our seniors and hearing-impaired! Starting in October, hearing aids can be sold over the counter without a prescription making them easier and cheaper to buy!" on Aug. 19Read on Twitter
"ICYMI: I blocked legislation requiring financial institutions to report annual deposits greater than $10,000 to the IRS keeping the IRS out of your bank account and holding wealthy tax cheats accountable!" on Aug. 19Read on Twitter
"CLEANER AIR Investments in energy-efficient and green transportation solutions to reduce pollution, keep our air clean, and our communities healthy! #InflationReductionAct" on Aug. 19Read on Twitter